
英文法律词典 M-79

分类: 法律英语 

Omne crimen ebrietas et incendit et detegit. Drunkenness inflames and produces every crime. Co. Litt. 247.

Omne magis dignum trahit ad se minus dignum sit antiquius. Every worthier thing draws to it the less worthy, though the latter be more ancient. Co. Litt. 355.

Omne magnum exemplum habet aliquid ex iniquio, quod publica utilitate compensatur. Every great example has some portion of evil, which is compensated by its public utility. Hob. 279.

Omne majus continet in se minus. The greater contains in itself the less. Co. Litt. 43.

Omne majus minus in se complecitur. Always the greater is embraced in the minor. Jenk. Cent. 208.

Omne testamentum morte consummatum est. Every will is consummated by death. 3 Co. 29.

Omne sacramentum debet esse de certa scientiÉ. Every oath ought to be founded on certain knowledge. 4 Co. Inst. 279.

Omnia delicta in aperto leviora sunt. All crimes committed openly are considered lighter. 8 co. 127.

Omnia praesumuntur contra spoliatorem. All things are presumed against a wrong doer.

Omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec probetur in contrarium. All things are presumed to be done legitimately, until the contrary is proved. Co. Litt. 232.

Omnia praesumuntur rite esse acta. All things are presumed to be done in due form.

Omnia praesumuntur solemniter esse acta. All things are presumed to be done solemnly. Co. Litt. 6.

Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt ipsius viri. All things which are of the wife, belong to the husband. Co. Litt. 112.

Omnis actio est loquela. Every action is a complaint. Co. Litt. 292.

