
英文法律词典 M-94

分类: 法律英语 

Quod constat clare, non debet verificari. What is clearly apparent need not be proved.

Quod constat curiae opere testium non indiget. What appears to the court needs not the help of witnesses. 2 Inst. 662.

Quod contra legem fit, pro infecto habetur. What is done contrary to the law, is considered as not done. 4 Co. 31. No one can derive any advantage from such an act.

Quod contra juris rationem receptum est, non est producendum ad consequentias. What has been admitted against the spirit of the law, ought not to be heard. Dig. 50, 17, 141.

Quod demonstrandi causÉ additur rei satis demonstratae, frusta fit. What is added to a thing sufficiently palpable, for the purpose of demonstration, is vain. 10 Co. 113.

Quod dubitas, ne feceris. When you doubt, do not act.

Quod est ex necessitate nunquam introducitor, nisi quando necessarium. What is introduced of necessity, is never introduced except when necessary. 2 Roll. R. 512.

Quod est inconveniens, aut contra rationem non permissum est in lege. What is inconvenient or contrary to reason, is not allowed in law. Co. Litt. 178.

Quod est necessarium est licitum. What is necessary is lawful.

Quod factum est, cum in obscuro sit, ex affectione cujusque capit interpretationem. Doubtful and ambigious clauses ought to be construed according to the intentions of the parties. Dig. 50, 17, 168, 1.

Quod fieri non debet, factum valet. What ought not to be done, when done, is v alid. 5 Co. 38.

Quod inconsulto fecimus, consultius revocemus. What is done without consideration or reflection, upon better consideration we should revoke or undo.

Quod in minori valet, valebit in majori; et quod in majori non valet, nec valebit in minori. What avails in the less, will avail in the greater; and what will not avail in the greater, will not avail in the less. Co. Litt. 260.

Quod in uno similium valet, valebit in altere. What avails in one of two similar things, will avail in the other. co. Litt. 191.

