
英文法律词典 Q-6

分类: 法律英语 

QUARE, pleadings. Wherefore. This word is sometimes used in the writ in certain actions, but is inadmissible in a material averment in the pleadings, for it is merely interrogatory and, therefore, when a declaration began with complaining of the defendant, "wherefore with force, &c. he broke and entered" the plaintiff's close, was considered ill. Bac. Ab. Pleas, B 5, 4; Gould on Pl. c. 3, 34.

QUARE CLAUSUM FREGIT. Wherefore he broke the close. In actions of trespass to real estate the defendant is charged with breaking the close of the plain-tiff. Formerly the original writ in such a case was a writ of trespass quare clausum fregit, now the charge of breaking the close is laid in the declaration. See Close; Trespass.

QUARE EJECIT INFRA TERMINUM. Wherefore did he eject within the term. The name of a writ which lies for a 1essee, who has been turned out of his farm before the expiration of his term or lease, Against the feoffee of the land, or the lessor who ejects him. This has given way to the action of ejectment. 3 Bl. Com. 207.

QUARE IMPEDIT, Eng. eccl. law. The name of a writ directed by the king to the sheriff, by which he is required to command certain persons by name to permit him, the king, to present a fit person to a certain church, which is void, and which belongs to his gift, and of which the said defendants hinder the king, as it is said, and unless, &c. then to summon, &c. the defendants so that they be and appear, &c. F. N. B. 74.

QUARE OBSTRUXIT. The name of a writ formerly used in favor of one who having a right to pass through his neighbor's grounds, was prevented enjoying such right, because the owner of the grounds had obstructed the way. T. L.

QUARREL. A dispute; a difference. In law, particularly in releases, which are taken most Bly against the releasor, when a man releases all quarrels he is said to release all actions, real and personal. 8 Co. 153.

QUARRY. A place whence stones are dug for the purpose of being employed in building, making roads, and the like.

2. When a farm is let with an open quarry, the tenant may, when not restrained by his contract, take out the stone, but he has no right to open new quarries. Vide Mines. Waste.

