
英文法律词典 R-31

分类: 法律英语 

RELAPSE. The condition of one who, after having abandoned a course of vice, returns to it again. Vide Recidive.

RELATION, civil law. The report which the judges made of the proceedings in certain suits to the prince were so called.

2. These relations took place when the judge had no law to direct him, or when the laws were susceptible of difficulties; it was then referred to the prince, who was the author of the law, to give the interpretation. Those reports were made in writing and contained the pleadings of the parties, and all the proceedings, together with the judge's opinion, and prayed the emperor to order what should be done. The ordinance of the prince thus required was called a rescript. (q. v.) the use of these relations was abolished by Justinian, Nov. 125.

RELATION, contracts, construction. When an act is done at one time, and it operates upon the thing as if done at another time, it is said to do so by relation; as, if a man deliver a deed as an escrow, to be delivered by the party holding it, to the grantor, on the performance of some act, the delivery to the latter will have relation back to the first delivery. Termes de la Ley. Again, if a partner be adjudged a bankrupt, the partnership is dissolved, and such dissolution relates back to the time when the commission issued. 3 Kent, Com. 33. Vide 18 Vin. Ab. 285; 4 Com. Dig. 245; 5 Id. 339; Litt. S. C. 462-466; 2 John. 510; 4 John. 230; 15 John. 809; 2 Har. & John. 151, and the article Fiction.

RELATIONS, kindred. In its most extensive signification, this term includes all the kindred of the person spoken of. In a more limited sense, it signifies those persons who are entitled as next of kin under the statute of distribution.

2. A legacy to "relations" generally, or to "relations by blood or marriage," without enumerating any of them, will, therefore, entitle to a share, such of the testator's relatives as would be entitled under the statute of distribution's in the event of intestacy. 1 Madd. Ch. R. 45; 1 Bro. C. C. 33. See the cases referred to under the word Relations, article Construction.

3. Relations to either of the parties, even beyond the ninth degree, have been holden incapable to serve on juries. 3 Chit. Pr. 795, note c. 4. Relationship or affinity is no objection to a witness, unless in the case of hushand and wife. See Witness.

RELATOR. A rehearser or teller; one who, by leave of court, brings an information in the nature of a quo warranto.

2. At common law, strictly speaking, no such person as a relator to an information is known; he being a creature of the statute 9 Anne, c. 20.

3. In this country, even where no statute similar to that of Anne prevails, informations are allowed to be filed by private persons desirous to try their rights, in the name of the attorney general, and these are commonly called relators; though no judgment for costs can be rendered for or against them. 2 Dall. 112; 5 Mass. 231; 15 Serg. & Rawle, 127; 3 Serg. & Rawle, 52; Ang. on Corp. 470. In chancery the relator is responsible for costs. 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 4022.

