
中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法 4

分类: 法律英语 

第四章 旅 行

Chapter IV Travel

第二十条 外国人持有效的签证或者居留证件,可以前往中国政府规定的对外国人开放的地区旅行。

Article 20 Aliens who hold valid visas or residence certificates may travel to places open to aliens as designated by the Chinese Government.

第二十一条 外国人前往不对国外人开放的地区旅行,必须向当地公安机关申请旅行证件。

Article 21 Aliens desiring to travel to places closed to aliens must apply to local public security organs for travel permits.

第五章 出 境

Chapter V Exit from the Country

第二十二条 外国人出境,凭本人有效护照或者其他有效证件。

Article 22 For exit from China, aliens shall present their valid passports or other valid certificates.

第二十三条 有下列情形之一的外国人,不准出境:

Article 23 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed to leave China:


(1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court;


(2) persons who, as notified by a people's court, shall be denied exit owing to involvement in unresolved civil cases; and


(3) persons who have committed other acts in violation of Chinese law who have not been dealt with and against whom the competent authorities consider it necessary to institute prosecution.

第二十四条 有下列情形之一的外国人,边防检查机关有权阻止出境,并依法处理:

Article 24 Frontier inspection offices shall have the power to stop aliens belonging to any of the following categories from leaving the country and to deal with them according to law:


(1) holders of invalid exit certificates;


(2) holders of exit certificates other than their own; and


(3) holders of forged or altered exit certificates.

