
中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 28

分类: 法律英语 

第五节 认定财产无主案件

Section 5 Cases Concerning the Determination of a Property as Ownerless

第一百七十四条 申请认定财产无主,由公民、法人或者其他组织向财产所在地基层人民法院提出。

"Article 174 An application for determining a property as ownerless shall be filed by a citizen, legal person or any other organization with the basic people's court in the place where the property is located."


The application shall clearly state the type and quantity of the property and the grounds on which the application for determining the property as ownerless is filed.

第一百七十五条 人民法院受理申请后,经审查核实,应当发出财产认领公告。

"Article 175 The people's court shall, after accepting such an application and upon examination and verification of it, issue a public notice calling on the owner to claim the property. "


"If no one claims the property one year after the issue of the public notice, the people's court shall make a judgment determining the property as ownerless and turn it over to the State or the collective concerned."

第一百七十六条 判决认定财产无主后,原财产所有人或者继承人出现,在民法通则规定的诉讼时效期间可以对财产提出请求,人民法院审查属实后,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。

"Article 176 If, after a property has been determined by a judgment as ownerless, the owner of the property or his successor appears, such a person may file a claim for the property within the period of limitation specified in the General Principles of the Civil Law. The people's court shall, after examination and verification of the claim, make a new judgment, annulling the previous one."

第二编 审判程序 第十六章 审判监督程序

Chapter XVI Procedure for Trial Supervision

第一百七十七条 各级人民法院院长对本院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现确有错误,认为需要再审的,应当提交审判委员会讨论决定。

"Article 177 If the president of a people's court at any level finds definite error in a legally effective judgment or written order of his court and deems it necessary to have the case retried, he shall refer it to the judicial committee for discussion and decision."


"If the Supreme People's Court finds definite error in a legally effective judgement or written order of a local people's court at any level, or if a people's court at a higher level finds some definite error in a legally effective judgment or written order of a people's court at a lower level, it shall respectively have the power to bring the case up for trial by itself or direct the people's court at a lower level to conduct a retrial."

第一百七十八条 当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为有错误的,可以向原审人民法院或者上一级人民法院申请再审,但不停止判决、裁定的执行。

"Article 178 If a party to an action considers that there is error in a legally effective judgment or written order, he may apply to the people's court which originally tried the case or to a people's court at the next higher level for a retrial; however, execution of the judgment or order shall not be suspended."

第一百七十九条 当事人的申请符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当再审:

"Article 179 If an application made by a party meets any of the following conditions, the people's court shall retry the case: "


(1) there is sufficient new evidence to set aside the original judgment or written order;


(2) the main evidence on which the facts were ascertained in the original judgment or written order was insufficient;


(3) there was definite error in the application of the law in the original judgment or written order;


(4) there was violation by the people's court of the legal procedure which may have affected the correctness of the judgment or written order in the case;


"or (5) the judicial officers have committed embezzlement, accepted bribes, done malpractices for personal benefits and perverted the law in the adjudication of the case."


The people's court shall reject the application that meets none of the conditions specified above.

第一百八十条 当事人对已经发生法律效力的调解书,提出证据证明调解违反自愿原则或者调解协议的内容违反法律的,可以申请再审。

"Article 180 With respect to a legally effective conciliation statement, if evidence furnished by a party proves that the conciliation violates the principle of voluntariness or that the content of the conciliation agreement violates the law, the party may apply for a retrial."


" If the foregoing proves true after its examination, the people's court shall retry the case."

