
奥运英语1000句: 在天安门广场南面

分类: 体育英语 

It's just south of Tian'anmen Square.

A Where's the famous Peking Duck restaurant?

A 著名的北京烤鸭店在哪里?

B You mean the Quanjude Restaurant?

B 你是说全聚德饭店吗?

A Yes, that's the one. Is it easy to find?

A 是的,就是它。容易找到吗?

B Yes, very easy. It's on Qianmen Street.

B 是的,很容易。在前门大街上。

A It's just south of Tian'anmen Square, isn't it?

A 就在天安门广场的南面,对吗?

B Yes, that's right. It's on the left side as you go down Qianmen Street.

B 是的,就在那。顺着前门大街走,它在左边。

Notes 注释

1 There are many ways to specify a location or position, you can also use directions, e.g. south / south; north / north; east / east; west / west. e.g. It's just south of Tian'anmen Square. / It's just south of Tian'anmen Square.

要指出确切的地点或者位置有很多种方法,你也可以用方向来说明,例如:south / 南; north / 北; east / 东; west / 西。 例如: It's just south of Tian'anmen Square. / 就在天安门广场的南面。

2 You can ask whether a place is easy or hard to find, e.g. Is it easy to find? / Is it easy to find?; Is it hard to find? / Is it hard to find?

你可以问某处是否容易找到,例如:Is it easy to find? /容易找到吗?; Is it hard to find? / 很难找到吗?

3 You can also specify location and directions by using left / left; right / right. You can say something is on the left / on the left and also you can say It's on the left side. / It's on the left side. e.g. It's on the left side of the street. / It's on the left side of the street.

你还可以这样指出确切的地点或者位置,用left / 左; right / 右。 你可以说某地on the left / 在左面,你也可以说 It's on the left side. / 它在左边。 例如: It's on the left side of the street. / 它在马路的左边。

Key phrases and sentences

Where's the famous Peking Duck restaurant?

You mean the Quanjude Restaurant?

Yes, that's the one.  Is it easy to find?

Yes, very easy.  It's on Qianmen Street.

It's just south of Tian'anmen Square,  isn't it?

Yes, that's right. 

It's on the left side as you go down Qianmen Street.

