
让您美丽的日常护肤程序Skin Care

分类: 体育英语 
If you're like most people, a weekly facial does not fit in your budget. But healthy, glowing skin doesn't have to be the exclusive possession of those who can afford professional skin care. Developing a routine that keeps your particular skin clean, hydrated, and protected can help you look your best. A good daily skin care routine shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes a day. 如果您和大多数人一样,那么每周一次的面部美容护理可能会超出您的预算。然而,富有光泽的健康肌肤并非只是那些能够享受专业皮肤护理的人士的专利。如果建立起一套护肤程序,按照程序保持自己皮肤的清洁和水分,使其受到充分的保护,相信您看起来会更漂亮。一套好的日常护肤程序每天花费的时间不会超过10分钟。 Following is a list of some steps you should incorporate into your daily skin care routine that will help to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy, clear, and youthful. 下面是您日常护肤过程中应该进行的一些步骤,它们将帮助您的皮肤不但看起来健康、光亮、年轻,而且摸起来也是如此。 · Determine Your Skin Type and Pick Appropriate Products   确定皮肤类型,挑选适合的产品 · Step 1 - Cleansing   第一步:清洁皮肤 · Step 2 - Toning       第二步:改善肤色,紧缩毛孔 · Step 3 - Moisturizing       第三步:增加水分 · Step 4 - Protection       第四步:必要的保护 · Feeding the Skin    第五步:营养肌肤

