滑翔伞运动的历史 Paragliding
分类: 体育英语

Have you ever wished that you could fly as free as a bird in the sky? Well, many different flying apparatuses have been invented to this end. The paraglider is just one of them, and this comes closest to feeling the freedom of flying.
Paragliding is an activity that combines adventure, challenge and self-fulfillment. It first appeared on June 27th 1978 in the French Alps. Three friends climbed to the hilltop. An idea suddenly hit them. They wondered whether it was possible to use parachutes to jump from great heights in the mountains. On one of those pleasant and magical early summer Sundays, they demonstrated to the world that they were right by landing on the ground about 1000 meters in the valley below. Their wildest dreams came true. However, they didn’t realize that they had created a new sport. On June 6th in 1982, a man launched himself from a peak that was over 4,000 meters high. His performance led to the worldwide popularity of paragliding.