

分类: 体育英语 
He's single 他是单身 A: Is your son married? A: 你儿子结婚了吗? B: No, he's single. He's not married yet. But he's got a girlfriend. B: 没有,他是单身。他还没有结婚,但是他有一个女朋友。 A: Maybe he'll get married soon. A: 也许他很快就会结婚的。 B: Maybe! And you? B: 也许。你呢? A: I'm still single... at the moment. But who knows? A: 我还是单身...目前是。但是谁知道呢? B: Do you have a boyfriend? B: 你有男朋友吗? A: Yes, I've got a boyfriend, but we have no plans to get married yet. B: 是的,我有男朋友,但是我们还没有结婚的打算。 Notes:   1. To ask if someone is married or single, or to talk about your status, you can say: Are you married; I'm single; I'm married. 要问某人是否结婚了,或者谈论你的婚姻状况,你可以说:Are you married? (你结婚了吗?); I'm single (我是单身); I'm married (我结婚了) 2. If you want to ask or talk about boyfriends or girlfriends, you can say: Do you have a girlfriend or I've got a boyfriend. 如果你想问或者谈论有关男女朋友的话题,你可以说:Do you have a girlfriend? (你有女朋友吗?) 或者 I've got a boyfriend (我有一个男朋友)。

