

分类: 体育英语 

飞跃长城的滑板传奇人物 丹尼·威 DANNY WAY 飞跃长城的滑板传奇人物:丹尼·威
Age: 31    年龄:31岁
Height: 6 ft 1   身高:6.1英尺
Weight: 180 lbs   体重:180磅 
Country: USA 国籍:美国 

Participant since: 1978        

Competitor since: 1989   

Resides In: SAN DIEGO, CA



His vision, his gold. When Danny envisioned the Mega Ramp in 2002, he wanted to go farther and higher than any other skater in history. At XG Big Air 2004, he went farther (79-ft for the Guinness World Record), plus he was the only skater to use the 60-ft roll-in. Taking skating to the next level with Big Air also won Way the Thrasher Skater of the Year award for 2004, the first time in history it has ever been handed out to the same skater twice (he also won in 1991).

Inspired by Danny Way, the Big Air ramp will showcase the talents of one of the most influential skaters in history. In 2002, Danny had a vision and that vision turned into the Mega Ramp (at Point X camp in Aguanga, CA), where he broke two records, back-to-back in June 2003. He sailed 75' from takeoff to landing for the first record while performing a 720, and then hit the monsterous quarterpipe (27' ) to break the highest air record at 23' 5".

After a string of shoulder and knee surgeries in 2000, Danny is back on the ramp, with the help of a synthetic ACL. He is focused on filming for his DC Shoes video part and is taking the time to make sure he is fully recovered for the X Games. During his absence from the contest scene he got married and is expecting another child.

飞跃长城的滑板传奇人物:丹尼·威丹尼·威 个人荣誉
丹尼·威是众多滑板运动迷尊敬和崇拜的特技表演者。1974年4月15日,丹尼·威出生于美国俄勒冈州的波特兰市。现在家庭成员包括妻子(Kari)、两个可爱的孩子(Ryden 6岁、Tavin 3岁)和一只宠物狗。
1、 丹尼·威被49名在滑板运动中极为出色的运动员评为最伟大的滑板手。
2、 1991及2004年被评为Thrasher杂志的年度“滑板之星”(唯一两次被授予这一荣誉的滑板运动员)
3、 丹尼·威是滑板运动多项世界纪录的保持者(距离79英尺、跳出滑道23.5英尺高度)
4、 2003年丹尼·威被誉为全世界垂直运动最出色的滑板运动家
5、 滑板极限运动金牌得主
6、 唯一从直升机上跳下进行滑板表演者。

来自美国的职业滑板传奇人物Danny Way于7月9日下午16时用滑板飞跃了长城居庸关。许多人想他才是一个真的汉子,一直就是人们的偶像。Danny Way曾借助滑板飞高12英尺并进行空中翻腾,打破了世界滑板飞高纪录。他也是滑板跨度世界纪录保持者。喜欢挑战的他曾从直升飞机上跳入滑道,成为全球唯一一个“从飞机上滑下来”的选手。六岁玩滑板至今,极限运动为这个“老男孩”带来一身伤痕的同时也为他打下千万身家,目前他已是拥有滑板学校、滑板制造工厂、滑板俱乐部的阔老板。然而即使这样也无法熄灭他挑战极限的冲动,7月9日北京长城居庸关,Danny Way再次向极限发起冲击,打破了他自己在2004年洛杉矶X-game上创下的世界记录(高23.5英尺)。

