
跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia

分类: 体育英语 
跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia
Profile 简介:跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia
Name: Fu Mingxia    姓名:伏明霞
Gender: F                   性别:女
Height: 1.60m           身高:1米60
Weight: 48kg             体重:48公斤
Date of birth: August 16, 1978
Place of birth: Wuhan, Hubei Province
Sport: Diving 3m springboard Women
运动项目:跳水 女子3米跳板 

Sports career 运动经历:
??Took up gymnastics in Wuhan Spare-time Sports School in 1985. Switched to diving before being selected as a member of the Hubei provincial diving team in 1987. Stood 1.37m and aged 12, she won the platform event of group B in the National Junior Competition in 1990. Following that, she was selected for intensified training by the national team.

Personal best 最好成绩:
1992, 1996 & 2000 Olympic Games - 1st platform

High performances 运动成绩:
??1992 National Inter-city Games - 1st springboard & platform
1992年 在第2届城市运动会上获3米跳板和跳台跳水冠军
跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia??
1992 National Championships - 1st springboard & platform
1992年 在全国锦标赛上,获3米板和跳台跳水两项冠军

??1992 Barcelona Olympic Games - 1st platform (winning China’s third Olympic platform gold in succession)
1992年 在巴塞罗那第25届奥运会上,夺得跳台跳水冠军,为中国在奥运会女子跳台跳水史上实现“三连冠”立下功劳

??1993 World Cup - 1st team & mixed team, 3rd platform,
1993年 在第8届世界杯跳水赛上获跳台跳水第三名,女子团体和男女混合团体冠军

??1993 National Games - 2nd springboard & platform
1993年 在七运会上获3米跳板和跳台跳水两项、亚军

??1994 Rome World Swimming Championships - 1st platform 跳水皇后伏明霞幸福美满 FuMingxia
1994年 在罗马举行的第7届世界游泳锦标赛上,以434.04分夺得十米跳台跳水金牌

??1994 Hiroshima Asian Games - 2nd springboard
1994年 在广岛第12届亚运会跳水赛上,获3米跳板银牌

??1996 Atlanta Olympic Games - 1st springboard & platform
1996年 在亚特兰大奥运会上获3米跳板和10米跳台冠军

??2000 Sydney Olympic Games - 1st springboard
2000年 在悉尼奥运会上夺得3米板冠军

??Reputed as "Diving Queen"

Honours 所获荣誉:
??1990-1991 - Twice named World Best Woman Platform Diver by US magazine Swimming World
1990年、1991年 被美国《游泳世界》杂志评选为跳台跳水世界优秀运动员

At present 当前情况:
Retired after the Sydney Olympics and settled down in Hong Kong.

