

分类: 体育英语 
Before you Go Out  出行前的准备:

 ●  Check the weather. Skating in rain, snow, or ice is dangerous; dress appropriately for the temperature. You will sweat even on the coldest days so layered athletic wear is best. 

 ●  If you are skating with others, know the expectations and make sure you have the ability required. Have a backup plan in case you need to leave the group (e.g., money for Metro or a taxi.) Bring a map, or know where you are going. 

 ●  Have the appropriate gear:

* Make sure that your skates are in good shape and fit properly. Bring wrenches, an extra axel and axel screw, and parts for your brake. 

* Wrists and lower arms are the #1 broken or injured area--wear wrist guards

* Knee and elbow pads are highly recommended. Make sure they are the right size and comfortably fit. 

* You only have one head--a helmet may save your life

* Water--bring water, and drink it. This is especially important on hot days. 

* First Aid supplies--Band Aids, moleskin, etc. 

* If you are skating at night, bright clothes and flashing lights are great so others can see you. 

* Bring sandals if you are going to do any non-skating activities before or after the skate. Also you will need them if you decide to take the Metro home. 

* Cell phone and palm pilot. Just kidding! You really can survive without them, plus if you fall you might break them.

