

分类: 体育英语 

It's difficult to find the time to study. /很难找到学习的时间。


A: I'd like to study and practise English more, but it's difficult. Life is so busy.

A: 我想更多地学习和练习英语,但是很难。生活太忙碌了。

B: Yes, it is. It's difficult to find the time to study.

B: 是的,是这样。很难找到学习的时间。

A: I know. I'm busy at work all week. It takes me ages to get home in the rush hour. And then I'm tired. I just don't have enough time!

A: 我知道。我一周都忙于工作。在交通高峰时刻回家花去了相当长的时间。回到家以后我也累了。我就是没有足够的时间!

B: Maybe you have to find different ways you can study and learn – especially if time is difficult.

B: 也许你得找到能够学习英语的其他方法——尤其是在时间很紧的情况下。

A: You're right. Like listening to CDs when I'm going to work and reading newspapers and magazines or using my time at the weekend to study.

A: 你说得对。像上班的时候听CD,读报纸和杂志,或者用周末的时间学习。

Notes 注释

1、If you want to express a wish or a desire, you can use I would like . . . / I would like . . . (or in shorter form, I'd like . . . / I'd like . . .) e.g.: I'd like to study more / I'd like to study more ; I'd like a holiday / I'd like a holiday.

如果你想表达某个希望或者愿望,你可以用I would like . . . / 我想 . . . (或者用它的简略形式, I'd like . . . / 我想 . . .) 例如: I'd like to study more / 我想学得更多;I'd like a holiday /我想有个假期。

2、Remember the phrases – ages / ages : a long time / a long time, e.g.: It takes me ages to get home / It takes me ages to get home; In heavy traffic, it takes a long time / In heavy traffic, it takes a long time.

记住短语– ages /很久:a long time /很长时间,例如:It takes me ages to get home / 回家花去了相当长的时间; In heavy traffic, it takes a long time /在交通拥挤的时候,花去了很长时间。

3、You can use the phrase enough / enough in various ways, e.g.: I don't have enough time / I don't have enough time; or when eating – I'm full – I've had enough to eat / I'm full – I've had enough to eat.

你可以在很多情形下使用enough /足够的。例如:I don't have enough time / 我没有足够的时间; 或者在吃饭的时候说 – I'm full – I've had enough to eat /我饱了——我吃得足够多了。

