

分类: 体育英语 

Sechuan food is really spicy.


A: This is lovely.  I think it's one of my favourite restaurants in Beijing.

A: 这里很可爱。我想这是我最喜欢的北京餐馆之一。

B: Yes, it's good.  Sichuan cuisine is really nice.

B: 是的,是不错。川菜非常辣。

A: It's so different from Beijing cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.

A: 川菜跟北京菜和广东菜非常不同。

B: Yes.  Sichuan food is really spicy.  It's hotter than other food.

B: 是的。川菜非常辣。比其他菜都辣。

A: I think I prefer it to other cuisines.  I love chillies!

A: 我想跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜。我喜欢红辣椒!

Notes 注释
1、When you compare things such as different Chinese re.g.ional cuisines, there are various things you can say, e.g.: Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine / Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine: It's hotter than other food / It's hotter than other food.

当你在比较事物的时候,如中国各地的不同菜系,可以用不同的方法来表达,例如:Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine / 川菜跟北京菜不一样: It’s hotter than other food /川菜比其他菜都辣。

2、Remember how to use prefer / prefer, e.g.: I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines / I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines: I prefer Beijing to Shanghai / I prefer Beijing to Shanghai.

记住怎样用prefer /这个词,例如:I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines / 跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜: I prefer Beijing to Shanghai/跟上海比起来,我更喜欢北京。

3、You can describe many things as lovely / lovely, e.g.: This restaurant is lovely / This restaurant is lovely; Behai Park in spring is lovely / Behai Park in spring is  lovely.

你可以用lovely /可爱的来描述很多事物,例如:This restaurant is lovely /这家餐馆真可爱; Behai Park in spring is lovely /春天的北海公园很可爱。

4、If you really like something, you can use the more emphatic verb love / love: I love chillies / I love chillies: I love the weekend / I love the weekend: I love holidays / I love holidays.

如果你确实喜欢某物,你可以用更具强调性的动词love /爱来表示:I love chillies / 我喜欢红辣椒: I love the weekend / 我喜欢周末: I love holidays /我喜欢假期

