

分类: 体育英语 

She's tall and blond, not short and dark like me.


A: That's my daughter. And that's my sister.

A: 这就是我女儿。这是我姐姐。

B: Your sister! She doesn't look like you either.

B: 你姐姐!她长得也跟你不一样。

A: No, she's tall and blond, not short and dark like me.

A: 是的,她高个子,金发碧眼,不像我又矮又黑。

B: You're both very slim. All my family are a bit overweight.

B: 你们都很苗条。我的家人都有点胖。

Notes 注释

1. When talking about appearance, you can contrast the way you look with the way another relative looks, You can talk about how tall someone is and their hair colour: She's tall and blond / She's tall and blond; Not short and dark like me    / Not short and dark like me.
当谈论人的外表时,你可以对比他和他家人在长相上的不同,你可以谈论某人多高,他的头发是什么颜色。She's tall and blond /她高个子,金发碧眼; Not short and dark like me  /不像我又矮又黑。

2. People often express a little envy when comparing looks! For example, talking about how slim or overweight people are: You're both very slim. / You're both very slim; / All my family are a bit overweight. / All my family are a bit overweight.
当人们在比较长相时经常会表现出一点嫉妒心理。例如,谈论人们苗条或者肥胖时:You're both very slim. /你们都很苗条;All my family are a bit overweight. /我的家人都有点胖

