

分类: 体育英语 


E=Ellan K=Kate

E: He is only an amateur athlete, but he is the best one.

E: 他只是一位业余运动员,但他是最好的。

K: Whom are you talking about?

K: 你在说谁啊?

E: He is Spiriton Louis, the first marathon winner at the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896.

E: 他就是斯皮里东-路易斯。他是1896年在雅典举行的第一届现代奥运会上第一个马拉松冠军。

K: Yes, he is great, but I don't think he is the best in modern Games.

K: 他的确很棒,但我不认为他是现代奥运会中最好的运动员。

E: Who is your bravest hero?

E: 你认为最勇敢的英雄是谁?

K: Jesse Owens. I think he is the greatest. He was one of the first black American athletes to win gold, and he broke all the rules of Hitler's Party. His 8.06-meter long jump record remained unbeaten for 25 years.

K: 杰斯-欧文斯,我想他才是最好的。他是最早获得金牌的美国黑人运动员之一,并且冲破了希特勒的纳粹党定下的所有规则。他的8.06米的跳远纪录一直保持了25年没被打破。

E: We have our own best athletes. But there may not be the best, or we can say all of them are the best.

E: 我们拥有自己认为最好的运动员,但是或许并不存在最好的,或者可以说,他们都是最好的。

K: I couldn't agree more.

K: 我很赞同。

