

分类: 商务英语 


Jobless workers in Germany are now required to accept jobs paying just 1 euro an hour. Those include jobs such as sweeping the streets, planting trees and removing graffiti and so on.

The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported Tuesday that German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued a proposal that calls for all beneficiaries of unemployment compensation to accept jobs offered by the Federal Labor Agency in Germany, or their unemployment compensation would be reduced.

After a blizzard hit Germany a few weeks ago, Westerwelle also mobilized unemployment recipients to shovel snow.

Besides, Hannelore Kraft, a politician with the German Social Democratic Party, advanced a suggestion to send jobless people to read books or sweep streets for senior tenants at nursing homes. These jobs are actually the "1 euro" jobs provided by the German government for those who have been out of work for a long time and offer only 1 euro per hour or about 200 euros a month.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

The jobs mainly include some public service activities and urban construction work, and workers are required to sit through three to four weeks of training in advance.

According to the report, at first the "1 euro" job was voluntary, but many lazy unemployed workers were unwilling to take those jobs. So the number of beneficiaries of unemployment compensation gradually increased to 6.7 million, creating a heavy burden on the German fiscal system.

Therefore, the German government is making it compulsory for beneficiaries of unemployment compensation, especially younger people, to accept the "1 euro" jobs.

Refusing to do so would cost them unemployment compensation.




报道称,“1欧元”工作原本是自愿行为,但许多懒惰的失业者不愿参与这些工作。德国靠领取失业救济金生活的人越来越多,已达670万,这给德国财政带来很大负担。为此,德国政府打算强制所有领取失业救济金的人特别是年轻的失业者承担“1欧元” 工作,否则将无法拿到失业金。

